Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Finding my style

This may seam like a silly thing to say after nearly forty years of drawing
but I still wonder what my style of drawing is...
working as an illustrator for many years in greeting card and gift product I was often asked to draw many characters in different styles and themes.
however recently I have had more time to spend on my own draws, This is one of the reasons I wished to start a sketchbook to see more clearly which themes,styles and character designs I am naturally drawn to!
I searched around for art and artist which inspire me.
so here are a few I LOVE X ......

Belle and boo
Sarah Jane studio

Adolie Day

Miss Clara

Art Nouveau

Mr Finch

Cori Dantini

There are many more fantastic artists out there too many to mention unfortunately.

So having collected my favourites, and set to create something new from the elements I like from the above artists.I have found a drawing style and mixed media techniques I feel work best for me and would love to hear what you think.

picture 1 /2-Sketches of my characters I prefer to draw women, children and animals.
picture 3-Canvas backgrounds created using printed patterns watercolour and mixed media techniques.
pictures 4/5/6-A few sketchbooks with characters and artwork I have been trying out, painted in watercolour,acrylics pencil and pen with dyecut/fabric embellishments.