Saturday, 29 October 2011

A very big Thank you

Just to say A very big thank you to
both sue & and wendy x

Friday, 28 October 2011

Help!! my computor's trying to kill me!

Seems I spoke to soon! my computer has it in for me!
and my hooty owl givaway!!
and my email has up and die too!
I can recieve EMAILS but not send them!

Normally this would not be a problem except
have been trying to contact
sue at wickedfaerie queen to let her know she
has won the hooty owl giveaway
and to get her address so I can send
hooty out to her!x

alas no! I even went on her blogpage to try leaving
a message in her comment box hoping sue may see it?
NO! google account wouldn't let me leave it!?

5 Hours later I AM ready to throw my laptop
at the wall!so please
PLEASE HELP ME!..sue if you are out there
could you please send me an email
with your address x

if anyone knows whats happen to my email ....
I like to hear your comments

And the winner is......

First a big Thank you! to everyone for entering into
my Hooty owl giveaway!x

Today is the day....
Drawing a name from the hat.....!

I pulled out my trusted purple hat! which has aways
given me goodluck and good times x
It seems fitting to past some of that goodluck on to
one of my fantastic blogging friends!


A very big Congratulations to sue from Wickedfaerie queen

Hooty owl will be flying your way soon!, I hope you enjoy sue x

And you will find My trusty purple hat,cupboard choc full
of handmade crafty delights waiting eagerly for my next
giveaway! till then x
luv Julie x

Tuesday, 25 October 2011


Some say 'messiness is a sign of creativity' I have
forgotten who told me that little gem!
and nomally I'd agree.
What they didnt say is that you can get to a point
where your mind gets a bit messy too!
with all manner of details,thoughts,ideas,
bills to paid,places to go,problems to solve,
all demanding your time!

I know alot of people who like things messy
sometimes you can come up with good ideas
and be inspired like that!

I am not one of those people
I quite literary like all my ducks in a row!
and I think a few maybe hiding under the sofa
and behind the cupboards!x

So I am taking some time out to chase them about!
and make some space in my over clogged brain
and my overclogged flat!
Starting here

Let the spring clean (I mean spring clear) start now!

Thursday, 20 October 2011

What a hoot owl giveaway


JUST TO SAY....Thank you to all the new visiters
& the followers that have come to take a look at
my little blog!....
After taking part in my sisters halloween tin swap,
I gave my big sister an extra
halloween tin!x
which wendy is giving away over on her blogpage
if you would like to try to win it please visit her blog
and enter yourself before (21st) fridays draw.

And as an extra incentive I have raided my little
crafting cupboard and found a few of my felty friends
hiding inside!x

My little Hooty owl is looking for a new home! and
would love to meet one of my craft/arty friends.

If you would like to be entered into the draw Please leave a comment!
so you will have a chance to win 'Hooty' in my giveaway!x
I will be drawing a name on Friday 28th october and I will post it out to winner A.S.A.P From that date!

Goodluck to all! x

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Me, myself & I

I love Rainbows, walking in the rain, Milk chocolate
(not white/dark)
Yes this is starting to sound like a Dating site profile page!

But it has accured to me that apart from loving art,
crafts and drawing many of you out there in blog land
do not know much about me! x

So here is a quick recap of a few of my favourite things.....

Designing something new!x
Childrens book illustrators.
Caramel shortcake.
Thunder & Lightening.
Disney/pixar films
Mollies makes magazine.
(my big sister who is also my best friend)
A nice cup of Tea.
All the Talented crafter out there!x
And Everyone who has taken the time to check out my blog and my designs!

Saturday, 8 October 2011


I have always loved making things out of paper,clay,you name it! these pictures below are made using my photos of my little princess figurine made from polymer clay, light linen fabric and recycled jewelery.
I have added digital elements to make these pictures extra Enchanted!
I would really love to hear your comments x

please feel free to click on these photos above.
They will take you to my Daisytrail project pages were you can see my pictures in more detail x